MYCE☕️MYCE token, Best Cream Coffee in Seoul☕️📌All recommended cafes can be reserved with a discount of up to 30% when paying with MYCE token at Bloom.Mar 16, 202250Mar 16, 202250
MYCE📔[MYCE White Paper]2. The project overview of the MYCE -2📔< CONTENTS >Mar 11, 202248Mar 11, 202248
MYCE📔[MYCE White Paper]2. The project overview of the MYCE -2📔< CONTENTS >Mar 11, 202248Mar 11, 202248
MYCE📔[MYCE White Paper]2. The project overview of the MYCE -1📔< CONTENTS >Mar 10, 202250Mar 10, 202250
MYCE📔[MYCE White Paper]1. The background of the MYCE Project-4📔< CONTENTS >Feb 23, 202250Feb 23, 202250
MYCE📰[Press]Namok, “Bloom” app launched!!!A real-life meeting/gathering information platform where sellers and buyers directly participate in meeting-related event venues and event…Nov 23, 202149Nov 23, 202149
MYCE📔[MYCE White Paper]1. The background of the MYCE Project-1🙌Hello~ This is MYCE token🙌Dec 9, 202199Dec 9, 202199
MYCE🔖Various meeting/gathering platform ‘bloom’ pay with MYCE token👋Hello~ This is MYCE token.Nov 29, 202150Nov 29, 202150
MYCE📷BEST way to make a memorable party or gathering📷🎈Make an unforgettable party or gathering with your precious people through ‘Bloom (NALIYA)’, a real-life meeting information platform.Nov 17, 202150Nov 17, 202150
MYCE📔[MYCE White Paper] 1. The background of the MYCE Project🙌Hello~ This is MYCE token🙌Nov 12, 202148Nov 12, 202148
MYCE👋Meeting with precious people in busy daily life ‘NALIYA (bloom)’Good afternoon~this is MYCE token.Nov 10, 2021101Nov 10, 2021101
MYCEMYCE tokenMYCE token is a ERC-20 cryptocurrency that was issued on security of real service based on Ethereum, and it leads solution service of…Jun 10, 2021Jun 10, 2021
MYCE[Press Release] gathering commercial platform ‘BLOOM’ by ‘NA-MOK’ Ahead of Launch‘Bloom’, a practical commercial platform invented by a venture company ‘Namok’ specialized in platform service is about to be released in…Aug 23, 2021Aug 23, 2021
MYCE나목, 모임 커머스 플랫폼 ‘부름’ 한국페이즈서비스와 디지털 상품권 공급 계약플랫폼 서비스 전문 벤처기업인 나목이 자사가 개발한 ‘부름(Bloom) 실생활 커머스 모임 플랫폼의 서비스 이용 강화를 위해 한국페이즈서비스와 디지털 상품권 공급 서비스를 시작한다고 19일 밝혔다.Sep 19, 2021Sep 19, 2021
MYCEGathering commerce platform ‘Bloom’ by Namok signed a Digital gift voucher supply contract with…Namok, a venture company specializing in platform services, announced on the 19th that the company is starting a Digital gift certificate…Oct 1, 2021Oct 1, 2021